SBC linear guideways are a high performance two or four circuit ball bearing linear guideway. When high speed, high load or precision are required SBC guideways are a cost effective solution. Industrial Automation stock a wide range of SBC Linear guideways with rail cut to length.
SBC have been producing LM guideways for over 20 years and manufacture to ISO standards. Customers such as Samsung, Hitachi, Honda, Renault, Goodyear, Kumo and Dunlop rely on SBC guideways for both production lines and as components in branded machinery.
Here’s some of the key benefits of SBC Linear rail;
- High load capacity for smaller components and compact design.
- Four directional load capacity with four bearing circuits for easy installation and simpler design.
- Low friction for precise positioning, smaller drive components and more efficient machines.
- Pre drilled rail mounts for easy installation via cap screws. Maximum stock lengths of 4m able to be joined for longer travel lengths.
- Sizes 15 to 45 in stock with blocks rated from 730 to 11290kgf. Size 65 and miniature on request.
- High speed capability for increased machine productivity.
- Side and end seals as standard, with scraper plates, rail hole plugs and bellows available to suit the most challenging environments.
- Raydent treatment available on request for all models giving excellent chemical resistance. A less costly alternative to full stainless versions with comparable protection.
- Wide range of blocks give all manner of mounting possibilities.
- SBC can cross over to industry standard guideways to allow retrofitting of existing components.
- Preloaded classes are available to suit heavy machining or impact loads such as NC machinery.
We welcome your call to answer any availability or design questions you may have. Additional information can be found here along with two and three dimensional drawing files.