Ball bushes are the mainstay of linear motion systems. They provide an economical solution for precision measuring equipment, drilling machines, punching presses, printing and food packaging machines.

IAS have NZ’s best value range of industry standard ball bushes and shafting from SAMICK and HPJ. We can integrate bushes with case units, hardened shafting and supports for your complete machine requirements. Industry interchangability also means breakdowns can be easily solved.

Our range has many features and benefits;

  • Standard European and Japanese dimensions in standard and long lengths.
  • High load superball has self-aligning capabilities for longer life and high reliability which is also available in imperial dimensions.
  • KH series ultra slim bushes and flange type for integrate sleave mounting to carriages allow elegant machine designs.
  • Adjustable types allow preload for enhanced rigidity.
  • Case units to suit bushes for minimal fabrication effort.
  • Precision hardened shafting off the shelf and cut to length in both regular and stainless steel.
  • Block and flange shaft supports for a simply bolt down solution.
  • Support rail and open bushes are also stocked.

Call us with your application as we appreciate the opportunity to help in your design process. You can find more information from this page on our website where you can also find 2D drawing files.